Урок – спектакль по сказке О. Уайльда "Счастливый принц".

Swallow: Good-bye, Prince! Will you let kiss your hand?

Prince: I am glad that you are going to Egypt at last, little Swallow! You have stayed too long here; but you must kiss me on the lips, for I love you.

Swallow: It is not to Egypt that I am going. I am going to the House of Death.

Она поцеловала принца и мертвая упала к его ногам.

Part 6.

Мэр города выходит на сцену и подходит к статуе, осматривает ее со всех сторон.

Mayor: Dear me! Is this the statue of the Happy Prince? How shabby he looks! His eyes are gone, he is not golden any more. He is little better than a beggar! He is not beautiful. He is ugly. Take him away. Oh! What`s this? Dead bird? Birds aren`t allowed to die here. Take it away.

Fairy: Don`t worry, little Swallow, don`t worry, Happy Prince.

People don`t know what beauty is. You are the two precious things in the city. I shall take you to the sky , for in my garden you`ll be happy. You really deserve your happiness!

Все "актеры" выходят на сцену, кланяются.

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